Sunday, October 28, 2007


Imagination is the ability to form mental images. It helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge; it is a fundamental facility through which people make sense of the world, and it also plays a key role in the learning process. A basic training for imagination is the listening to storytelling in which the exactness of the chosen words is the fundamental factor to 'evoke worlds'. ~Wikipedia are entering the gate to your own world. are now opening the door to your most personal, intimate space.

You are welcomed by the warmth of the colors of the flowers all over you...

Imagine...walking on a fresh floral scented carpet,

as you walk in your living room to relax, to cool down after a hard day's work... close your eyes, and hear the calming sound of the waterfalls.

Just when you are about to enter your dreamlike state,
you hear the crying sound of your baby...

and you enter his immaculate room.

All of a sudden, you experience
the "organic thrill" in being enveloped in a "forest or mountain gorge in the twilight"...

You kissed him and like a spell, put him to sleep
& you now are ready to have one yourself.

Imagine...tiptoeing to the haven of your room.

In an instant,
you feel like you are whisked off to a holiday break in a faraway exotic island resort...
soaking yourself in the salt water with the gentle waves rocking you to sleep.

Once in deep sleep, you imagine enjoying the spa in your own backyard...

Meditating on the wonders of your environment -
while breathing in & breathing ask yourself:

Am I breathing clean air?

"Imagine what it would be like if you had to put on a space suit to go outdoors, depending on an oxygen tank instead of fresh air to breathe. It might be fun for the first couple of times, but after that we'd grow tired of putting on and taking off the space suit several times a day. Could such a thing happen? Not if we're careful. The air we breathe becomes a little less pure every day, while the population on earth increases, causing the need for more fresh air." ~ Organic Flower & Garden Tips Blogspot

Yes, you feel secured in the knowlege that
within the confines of your internal environment such as

your home in general...

your kitchen...

your home office...

your dining room...

your family room...

your shop in downtown...

your favorite restaurant...

your child's school...

your office...

your office reception area...

your favorite mall...

your grandma's assisted living facility...

your hospital...

you experience the benefits of living in a clean, healthy environment
like being enclosed in

a green house...

living in the midst of nature...

having the tranquil comfort of its safety...

seeing its greeness...

feeling its vastness...

smelling its freshness...

and most of all, internalizing nature's health benefits!

Thanks to modern technologies available at our fingertips,
we all have the opportunity of living and breathing free in this modern world!

I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. ~Charles Dickens

To know more personally
how to live & breathe free,

enjoying nature fresh air in your indoor environment,
call or email:

Tristan Duke Bael
(619) 934-8479

Be prepared to be amazed!

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